Three of North Carolina’s Administrative Law Judges have chambers outside of Wake County. Judge Jonathan S. Dills hears cases in the High Point, Guilford County Courthouse. Judge Samuel K. Morris is the resident administrative law judge in the Jacksonville, Onslow County Courthouse. Judge David F. Sutton is the resident administrative law judge in the Haywood County Courthouse.
When contested cases are scheduled to be heard in these courthouses, the emergency crisis administrative orders and protocols issued by the Senior Resident Superior Court judges in those counties control. These orders and protocols supersede the directives issued by the Chief Administrative Law Judge for the Raleigh headquarters of the Office of Administrative Hearings. You may find a copy of the Administrative Orders governing those counties respectively at one of the following links: Guilford County, Haywood County, Onslow County, Mecklenburg County.
In addition, when contested cases are scheduled to be heard in any of North Carolina’s one hundred counties, the emergency crisis administrative orders and protocols of the respective Senior Resident Superior Court judge controls all aspects of the hearings in those county courthouses. These emergency orders can be found on the website of the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts at the following link: https://www.nccourts.gov/locations
North Carolina Human Relations Commission
The NC Human Relations Commission provides services and programs aimed at improving relationships among all citizens of the state, while seeking to ensure equal opportunities in the areas of employment, housing, public accommodations, recreation, education, justice and governmental services.
Rules Review Commission
The Rules Review Commission (RRC) is the executive agency created by the General Assembly in 1986 and is charged with reviewing and approving rules adopted by state agencies. The statutory authority for the RRC is found in two places. The authority for the RRC itself is G.S. 143B-30.1 and following. The Commission’s substantive review procedures are set by the General Assembly and are codified in the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 150B, Articles 1 and 2A.
Our Mission
To serve the citizens of North Carolina with quality and efficiency by providing an independent forum for prompt and impartial resolution of administrative law contested cases involving citizens and state agencies; functioning as the State’s codifier, publisher, and reviewer of all administrative rules; and investigating alleged acts of unlawful discrimination in employment and housing.